
Rainbow Wit 1 - Buongiorno...

This pizzeria in Trnava, which has a name identical to wishing someone a good morning in Italian, is a typical example of how to combine quality service with a modern brick revitalized space.

This is what it looks like when your appetite is enhanced by the place where you dine and the nice, smooth RAINBOW WIT tiling becomes part of it all. There is an Italian atmosphere in every corner of the restaurant.

Umber - Functional elegance

The word “exterior” comes from the French “extérieur”, meaning “outside.” Since you can make a first impression only once, it is important to take care of external appearance, which is the first thing visitors notice when they enter a building. The exterior should also go hand in hand with the interior. The chocolate brown, elegant color of the SLOVANET building is sure to leave a pleasant feeling.